One last look back at the Louvre...

... before making our way over to the Place de la Concord,
most famous as the location of the Obelisk of Luxor.

An odd site, seeing Egyptian and French towers sharing the same skyline.

So that was pretty much that. After a bit more milling about, we resigned ourselves
to our fate and headed back to the hotel.

Paris seemed a fitting place to end this idealistic journey.

Next thing we knew we were at Charles de'Gaulle airport and Space Monkey was
looking sadly out over the tarmac.

So that was that. One last photo of us to document that we were still alive.
(And together, for that matter.) And that was the end of our European backpacking trip.

Wait! One last shot! This was in reality the last photo taken. We arrived back in Logan in
the late afternoon realizing we had no American money, no working ATM cards, and no
ride back home. Luckily, Faith had been carrying around a $5 bill in her journal this
entire time, and we were able to use it to jump the commuter rail home. Here she
is fishing around her bag in the luggage pick-up area trying to find it.

Ok, and that's all!

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