There's also tons of other cool stuff beside paintings. Like these dudes.

And this guy.

... and these... guys.

and... this thing. I know we're in France, but this isn't even the
same alphabet...

Never fear! Professor Cummings will decipher those heiroglyphs! And save
the world from the Nazis while he's at it.

Ok, back to the paintings. Would this be considered Jesii?

A nice Rembrandt.

A nice portrait of one of Faith's favorite artists, Albrecht Durer.

A nice painting of nipple-pinching lesbians.

CARL: Huh? Wait a sec, go back to that last one.

Ok, that's what I thought.

Hey, look! Didn't they make a movie with Harry Hamlin about this?

Here's Carl standing next to the Code of Hammurabi from ancient Babylon.
Does anyone get why he's holding his eye? Didn't think so. Apparently it's only funny to him.

About 7 hours later
we were sleepy, sore and generally spent. Time to head back to
the hotel? (P.S. thanks to whoever left their bicycle forlorn in the forground here. It
really adds to the "lonely French street" ambiance.)

Tired as we were, though, we just couldn't bring ourselves to go back quite yet.
It was our very last night in .

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