A closer look at the intricate facade of the Basillica.

It took Carl 15 minutes and a near fall into the canal to take this shot.

Here's the Bridge of Sighs (Ponte dei Sospiri), a site that evokes romatic images,
probably because of its association with Casanova. Truth is that the bridge
actually connects the palace area with the prison area and Casanova spent
quite a bit of time in jail here.

Here's Carl... well, sighing.

Quite a cool scene from atop the bridge, though. This is what
passes for an alleyway here in Venice.

"Day 45... this Italian beer is some piss-poor stuff... it'll take some
getting used to...

Woman, can we please keep the camera out of my face during dinner!?.

Some world famous Venecian glass. While not all of it is this tacky, well...
ok, most of it is. But it looks like fish! It's crazy, man!

Walking around this place at night was probably one of the highlights of our visit,
if not of the entire trip. Such a cool, spooky, almost clautraphobic feeling in these narrow
streets. It had that same sort of old, medeival feeling that Edinburgh had.

At any rate, we only spend about 2 days in Venice. It was just way, WAY too expensive here
to stay any longer. The hostel was booked up, and for us to spend 60 euro per night for a hotel
room was a bit out of our budget. But in a cool, wacky turn of events, the morning we were
about to leave we randomly ran into our friends Fiona and Amy from Cork. Had a nice
lunch and a couple bottles of the vino before we had to catch our train out of town.

We were starting our journey south down the boot, and the next stop was Florence.

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