Ahh, Venice. What a unique city. It's too bad this once powerful naval city-state
is now basically a sinking tourist hole.

But man, there's just no other place like it.

The first stop was the popular Piazza San Marco, home of the famous bell tower.

And, of course, the Basillica di San Marco.

What we didn't know was that this place was overrun with pigeons who were
used to being fed.

VERY used to it.

These things had absolutely no fear.

They make New York pigeons look shy.

But although they're filthy, filthy animals, this was still strangely fun.

Come to me, my animal friends!

Go! You're all free!! (And I'm moderately effeminate!)

One bird manages to crawl up Carl's leg...

Amazingly, even though people were constantly feeding these things...

... we weren't shat on even once.

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