Carl and his cool Gortex™ hat.

Faith overlooking the bay. Way across is the Dingle Penninsula,
which is supposedly even more fantastic

This one little tourist stop was actually quite cool. This Irish shepard guy
explained all the different types of sheep in Ireland.

And then he would actually herd them with his sheepdogs,
commanding them using a series of yells and whistles.

Since the sheep naturally fear any type of dog, the sheepherder
only needs to direct the dogs left, right, forwards or backwards.

Here he had just navigated the dogs as they drove the sheep from the
top of that hill in the last photo all the way down to us. All the old people
were wicked impressed (and so were we).

Here's a great action shot the dogs frightening the crap out of the sheep.

We felt bad for this little guy. He was obviously a puppy that was still being trained,
so he was tethered at the bottom of the hill. But every time heard a command he
would whine and try to get at the sheep.

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