Some of the tour guides would splash some water around to wash away the
dust and expose some of this beautiful stonework. Imagine the whole place looking like that....

I can see why it was a resort town... the view in every direction is great.

We found this small house off the beaten path somewhere.

It contained some faded, yet striking frescoes.

Wait a second... what kind of house was this?

The colors were still pretty bright, though.

This lady almost looks like she knows what's coming..

Faith consults the map as we try to find our way out of here.

Another well-preserved residence. I think what seperates Pompei from lots of
other ruins is the sheer amount of roofs. Most ruins have no roofs anymore.
Not so here. You wouldn't think dumping a couple hundred tons of ash and
debris would be condusive to maintaining roofing, but apparently it is. I'm going to
have to remember that when I buy a house. I'm rambling..

Hmm. No roof here, though.

Roofs didn't seem to help these poor bastards.

I know these are just plaster molds, but damn they're freaky.

This is the House of Mysteries, one of the best preserved buildings.

A bit beat-up, but not in all that bad of a condition...

... considering, y'know, a volcano erupted here hundreds of years ago and all.


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