Remember what I said about too much crap? Right.

Herc-ulees! Herc-ulees!

An old red-stone bath owned by one of the more perverted Caesers. And that's saying
alot. I don't want to even think about the things the inside of this basin has seen. Perfect
place for it though, the Vatican, huh? Very appropriate.

An example of a Pompeii-style floor that was uprooted section by section
and re-assembled here

Ut-oh. Large crowd. That must mean something big is coming up...

Oh yeah, this place. No, in all seriousness the Sistine Chapel is just simply
amazing. One of those things you feel compelled to see while you're there, but
sort of expect it to be a let down. Like Stonehenge or the Mona Lisa. You've seen
hundreds of photos of this place, so you don't expect much. Well no photo does this
place justice. It's just amazing and you need to see it to appriciate it. .

It's illegal to take photos in here, so of course everyone was scrambling to take shots
while the guards weren't looking. I resorted to my trusty hip-shot technique to get the
job done.

Michelangelo was a sculptor remember. Not only did he not want this job,
but he had no idea how to paint. But you don't say no to the Pope (in those days),
so he started to learn. He began in the back of the chapel, as shown here, and as
the frescoes progress you can see how he teaches himself the medium.

Then at about the center, you get stuff like this.

Not too bad for a no-look fully-zoomed hip-shot, eh?.

After shooting dozens and dozens of shots, we just wanted to sit and enjoy the
place for awhile.

Here's a shot back on the altar wall, the Last Judgement. This is considered his
painting masterpiece and is the focal point of the chapel.

A bunch of other artists also added to the chapel walls. Here's Perugino's
"Christ Handing the Keys to St. Peter". Just thought you might want to know that.
Good random party trivia.

Even Space Monkey seemed in awe. And he's never at a loss for words.


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