Talk about needing a transition... after the brewery we went here,
the Heilig Bloed Basiliek, or the Basilica of the Holy Blood.
A few coagulated drops of Christ's blood are said be kept here.
There's Faith outside looking skeptical.

Well, there it is. I guess they were right. It's in a vial inside of this
amazingly intricate chalice-type container. This thing is paraded
around the city once a year. Beautiful little church, though.

Our last night in Bruges, we decided to do a bit of nightime exploring.

And man, are we glad we did. Things that we saw during the day
were completely differnent at night. This city was gorgeous to
look at and mysteriously eerie to walk about in at night.

Narrow, deserted alleys that end in spooky churches.

Buildings that we marveled at during the daylight turned
positively evil-looking at night. I felt like I needed a
shotgun and a chainsaw here...

In this darkened churchyard, we were sure this statue was going to
come alive and kick our butts.

An odd fountain head that caught our eye.

Next morning, it was time to move on. (here I am in full-travel array)
And we were decidedly sad to have to do so, as Bruge was an amazingly
beautiful place. We stayed for the better part of a week to relax and chill
after the craziness of Oktoberfest. But now, feeling quite refreshed, we
walked back to the train station and rode the rails out of Belgium and
over to nearby Amsterdam.

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