Next day we decided to go to... yep, a beer hall!

And here are some more semi-drunken photos for your enjoyment.

Geez, get a room! No, wait... you're staying with us. Ok, do it here.

I love this picture.

DECLAN - "Insert any stupid Declan question here."
CARL - "Ahhhh.... No."

Damn, Fournier... get the hell off me!

This German waiter saw the opening created by Dave and started hitting on Faith.

Ha! We made fun of her for the rest of the night.

So, did I mention I contracted Malaria?

And that was that. Our last night of Oktoberfest. This was a Thursday night, and we
decided to get going before the weekend hit. Believe it or not (I'm walking on air)
things would get ALOT more crowded over the weekend. Dave and Elaine were
heading back to England the next day anyway, so we decided to get on with our trip.

But first, there was one more thing in the Munch area we wanted to see. So we got up
the next morning and jumped on the train to Dachau.

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