Our first order of business, after stepping off the bus, was finding a place to stay
for a few nights. All the nearby hostels were pretty booked up. Fortunately for us,
one of them hooked us up this guy who owned a B&B and arranged for us to stay.
Unfortunately for us, he participated in - and won - a golf tournament that day, and
by the time he got back (at like 10 at night) he was completely drunk. He kept saying
"I'm sorry... I'm so PISSED." over and over. But after many phone calls, he finally
showed up to let us in before proceeding down to the pub again.

He turned out to be a VERY cool guy. Rab McDonald was his name. Anyway, here's
Space Monkey enjoying some television in his living room.

Next morning we were off to enjoy the loveliness of Edinburgh.

Starting with the massive (and massively cool) Edinburgh Castle.

The place is still used by the Scottish Police, and they have this huge cannon
called the One O'Clock Gun that they fire off once a day (at 1 o'clock). Been
doing it like clockwork for some time now. But it was a big cannon, and Faith
wasn't anxious to get too close.

Those shells have to land somewhere, don't they? The gun's probably pointed
at London...

Nice cannon, man.

The view of the city from here is great. Look at all the cool buildings!

Faith's still uneasy about the whole cannon thing. Not sure which one, though...

One of the many cobbled roads thoughout the castle compound.

Where's this one go?

It goes up.

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